Sunday, May 07, 2006

Happy Birthday SBS

This year, the Saïd Business School celebrates its 10th anniversary. Yep, that's right, the school is only 10 years old but how it has grown. Here are some intersting facts that you may not have known.

  • Students in the first year had classes in the Radcliffe Infirmary, students passed patients in the hallway on their way to learn about business.
  • The site on which the current business school was built used to be the home of the Oxford Rewley Road railway station. This station was taken down gently and transported to the Buckinghamshire Railway Centre where model railway enthuasts can enjoy the architecture of this old building
  • The mound in the garden of the business school is the visible part of an archieogical of the ancient abbey, Rewley Abbey where Cistercian monks once studied back in the 13th century. The business school is not allowed to build there so instead we have a beautifully landscaped garden where we can play croquet in the summer. Lovely.

Last night, a small group of us attended the reunion dinner as a representative of the current class. It was a little weird to be dressed in a posh frock and have a three course dinner at tables in the Common Room which had been the location of the roudy South America night at Happy Hour the night before. But it was great to meet some of the students from the class of 1996 and hear their stories and to speculate with each other from our year what we will be like when we come back for our 10 year anniversary.

Well done SBS, I hope that your next 10 years are a successful as your last ones.


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