Thursday, February 02, 2006

Cricket Anyone?

SBS has been placed in the Division 3 of the ‘Oxford Inter-college Cricket Championship’ along with: Merton, Univ, Christchurch, Oriel, Nuffield, LMH, OLIP and Jesus.

The tournament will start from 26th April and will continue till 14th June. The matches will be on every Wednesday, except on 7th June, according to the present schedule. Do contact Rishi if you would be interested in representing the school in the competition. If there is enough interest then I will get the school formally registered for the competition. Please note, the rules allow for a maximum of two members of staff (e.g. Fellow, chef, maintenance etc) to play for the team.

Also, please include your profile, i.e. Batsmen/ Bowler/ Wicket-Keeper/ All-Rounder/ Keeper-bat.


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